Sandstone( さがん)relief carving Bali

Selamat pagi,

Ubud and Batuan are known for their paintings,Mas for their woodcarvings, Celuk for gold and silver smiths,and Batubulan for their stone carvings.
We are "Bali-An" provide distinguished highly creative and novel artistic which is evidenced by, our registered and patented special designs. We are also accepts orders from costumers, our sandstone are sold in here and local markets, such as restaurant hotel and villas. If you have problems finding suitable sculptural artwork , Bali-An offer the solution . We are confident that our statues will proivde a beautiful and harmonious nuance to your life.

Today Bali-An Marui Family Ebina is open 10:30-20:00 with Maya and Sao.
Fujisawa is open 11:00-18:00 with Owner Kono.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Bali-An team.